Well, I went to see The Adventures of Tintin again, now in 3D. / I love that movie ridiculously much: even the cliché peptalk after the middle doesn't annoy me. / When can I see it again?!

Voi turskauksien turskaus ja kautta ikuisen partani, oon ollut koko viikon niin väsynyt etten oo tainnut piirtää yhtään "kunnollista" sarjista. Asia korjaantunee lauantaina/sunnuntaina, jolloin piirrän myös ehdotetut sarjikset! :D Malttakaa siihen asti, hunajavohvelit.

Thundering typhoons and by my eternal beard, I have been so tired the whole week that I haven't drawn any decent comic. I hope to fix this on Saturday/Sunday, I'm going to make the comics you suggested then. Patience until then, my honey waffles!