Best things are for example these: CDs with lyrics included / Wool socks made with love / Helsinki's best book shop's classics department / bowties / tweed jackets and jumpers with elbow patches / pugs / polaroid cameras / improvising with piano / Long umbrellas (even without Mycroft-vibes) /

talented street musicians / thermos mugs / card tricks / lefthanded scissors, yes I am lefthanded / told stories and good conversation company / free toilets in city centres / perfectly rype avocados / Journeys by train / My habit of writing down nice quotes and sentences from for instance books, finding them later is amazing. Otherwise my diaries are rubbish. / mint-lipbalm (also Body shop's weed-lipbalm) / Letters and postcards

Tämmöstä sitä tekee kun ei oo mitään järkevää piirrettävää. Jeeee.

When you have nothing to draw you'll end up drawing something like this. Yaaaayy.